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Monday 31 October 2011


For the opening chase scene I will need a piece of music that will be similar to the music that is used in the film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, by this I mean that it will need to be a similar genre (Indy). This will be done with a guitar, I will be using a friend to help me create this piece of music.
This will be for the chase scene that I will be filming in a wood so that i can film them running through the trees.
I have also thought about possible actors for my production, they will need to be looking older but still be young, they will need to be given make up and made to look older as the actors that are available to me do not look as old as I would like them to be.
The actors available to me will be people that are of similar age to me (18), this will mean that I am relying on the acting to give the sense that they are older than they actually are.

Thursday 20 October 2011


I have now chosen the censorship rating for my production,
I have decided it would be best for the rating to be a 15, this is because the opening is unlikely to show a killing or sexual scene so i have chosen the age rating that will best match my capabilities in this opening 5 minutes

Thursday 13 October 2011

Use of props

One thing that I have noticed with the use of modern gangster films is the use of weapons such as guns and also drugs such as cocaine, in my production I will need to recreate this somehow.
In terms of recreating drugs cocaine can be simply recreated with the use of flour, whereas with the gun it is more difficult because I can use a toy gun but the effects needed to make it look like it is firing is difficult.
This is one of the many problems i will need to overcome when i begin to make my opening to a crime film, I could overcome this by editing in a flash or I could simply have a gun that does not fire, there are many solutions but I need to chose the most attractive choice to the audience members (my target audience being males in general, I have yet to be more specific with this)

Monday 10 October 2011


I have already talked about the idea I have for the production before the title sequence in that at the beginning it will start with a chase scene that will lead in to my title sequence, after this title sequence it will then cut to about 1 second of a black screen. This will then fade in to the shot of a car game being played by the four main characters, each with a briefcase by their side. This will then cut in between this and the chase scene, after this it will thenpermantly remain on the scene of the gambling, with a phone ringing, all the character so far will be dressed smartly if they are a main character

Thursday 6 October 2011

Title and design

This is the Title I decided to use, this Font is fairly plain but also not to plain because of the blotches in the writing, this is similar to texts where there are gun shots through it, this is stereotypical in other gangster films such as The A-team, despite this being from an action film the actual font of the writing is similar to that from the film Snatch. From 1:01 onwards you can see the title sequence from Snatch that uses a similar font,

The title came from the idea that the king of hearts is the only king that doesn't have a moustache in a pack of cards, this relates to my narrative idea of four gangsters who are in the drugs world, but one of them is not the same as the others and tries to steal the drugs from the other 3 drug lords. This is just a basic Idea at the moment but I am satisfied with the Idea for the title.