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Thursday 7 July 2011

Film openings

further research

I have began to research now into the visual codes of the film lock stock and tow smoking barrels and also the film snatch, these films are both made by the same director but have got different styles of openings. I have looked at the use of Mis En scene and the way they use editing techniques with the shots to create a good and captivating opening. These films use similar techniques but in a different order and in different ways to create different openings which allows me to have similar ideas.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


I have now begun my research into my chosen question that I discussed in last week’s blog.
So far I have chose to research the films mentioned in the last post.
In class work now I have done work towards researching the text of The X Factor, and the company ITV, this has helped me to know what I should be looking for when I research the texts mentioned before.
The next deadline is the 11th of July, by this time I am expected to have handed in all of the research that I have collected as well as the final chosen question which I have decided on.
I think I am capable of meeting this deadline as I have already chosen my Title and have already began planning and researching in to this.